A Case of Congenital Duodenal Atresia |
S. W Ahn1, Y. J Choi1, J. B Lee1, M. H Huh2 |
1Department of Pediatrics, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital Pusan, Korea 2Department of Pathology, Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital Pusan, Korea |
선천성 십이지장 폐쇄증 1 례 |
안소원1, 최영자1, 이재범1, 허만하2 |
1왈레스기념 침례병원 소아과 2왈레스기념 침례병원 병리과 |
Abstract |
A case of three day old male infant with a congenital duodenal atresia (Diaphragmatic type, Preampullary type) is reported with brief literature review.
The first signs were vomiting and abdominal distension. Because of the poor general condition of
the patient surgical intervention was not possible. After three days admission the patient expired.
The condition was confirmed clinically by X-ray and reconfirmed at autopsy.