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Clinical Studies on Miliary Tuberculosis in Childhood

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1972;15(10):932-937.
Published online October 31, 1972.
Clinical Studies on Miliary Tuberculosis in Childhood
Jai Koo Lee, Dae Ho Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Chunam University Medical School
小兒 粟粒結核의 臨床的 考察
李載九, 金大臭
全南大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Clinical studies were made on 96 miliary tuberculosis aged under 1.5 years at Mokpo Children’s T.B. Hospital during the period of March, 1962 through December, 1970. The results were as follows. 1. The highest incidence was noted as 62. 4 per cent in the group aged 1 to 5 years, and 17. 7 per cent out of all cases was under 1 year of age. The number of 96 miliary tuberculous patients held some 4. 5 per cent to total number of 2,154 pulmonary tuberculous paients who admitted and treated during the same period. 2. The incidence in spring was noted to be the highest (37. 5%) and reverse in the fall (15. 6%), 3. The sources of infection to 35. 8 per cent out of 96 cases were to be found, and 50 per cent of them was seem to be index of infection caused by their parents. 4. As the result of tuberculin skin test, 44 per cent was noted as negative reaction. The rate of death was not less negative reaction(26. 8%) than positive (15. 4%). 5. The chief complaints on admission were as following orders such as fever, cough, general weakness, dyspnea, cold sweating, vomiting, etc. 6. The positivity of A.F.B in sputum or gastric juice was found in 44. 8 per cent from direct smear and or culture. 7. According to hematologic examination, ESR was increased and amenia was appeared mostly. Increased leukocyte count was noted in 58 per cent. 8. The miliary shadow on X-ray finding in 59 cases which could be checked follow-up was disappeared by 61 per cent among them within 5 months from starting treatment. 9. Among complications, tuberculous meningitis was the most as 25 per cent out of all cases. 10. The treatment was, initially as a rule, done as triple therapy with INH, PAS and SM, and associated with symptomatic therapy. The secondary antituberculous regimens were administered to 8 cases who had been resistant to the primary regimens. 11. The rate of death was noted in 22 per cent and among them, 90 per cent was under 5 years of age.

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