The Comparative Studies on Immunoglobulin in Immature Babies, Fuljterm Babies and Their Mothers
Soon ja Kwon |
Dept. of Pedijatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University |
塵母와 嬰兒및 未熟兒에 있어서의 lmmunoglobulin의 相關性에 關한 硏究 |
權 順 子 |
梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
This study has attempt to clarify the relationship and difference on Immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA,IgM) levels among premature babies, fullterm babies and their mothers according to gestational period as well as different period of infancy (age of month during young infancy period). Material and Method: A total of 416 samples from the sera of 109 donors including 50 pregnant wmen and 59 newborn babies were studied. For the benefit of comparative study the subjects were divided into 4 major groups. The first group consisted of 28 premature and 31 fullterm babies. Serum IgG, IgA, IgM levels from cord sera were compared between premature and term babies according to the gestational period and age of months during infancy period. The second group included 16 brest feeding and 20 artificial feeding babies, whose serum IgG, IgA, IgM were studied from 1 month to 6 month of age. The third group compared 14 pregnant women who were inoculated 0. 5 ml of D. T. vaccine during third trimester who were not inoculated pregnant women as a control, and their babies to each group. Their Immun-oglobulin levels were compared among three groups. The fourth group consisted of studies on changes of IgG, IgA, IgM during to 50 neonatal (after delivery) and 15 lactation period up to 3 1/2 months, acco
rding to geatational period. The quatitative method were used the Oudin’s capillary tube test with some modification by Lim. Result: The result were classify into 4 groups. Group 1 ;Changes in the serum IgG, IgA and IgM levels form the ssra of 28 premature and 31 term babies according gestational period of their mother, and followed up to 6 months of infancy period(Table 1-4). In general, the higher IgG levels of cord blood serum were observed in fullterm babies (37- 42 weeks of gestation) as compared with premature babies (less than 37 weeks of gestation). A relatively higher values of IgG levels from cord serum were observed in the fullterm babies than in the serum of their mother. The IgA values in cord serum were so scanty to determine that merely were detected in only one third on the samples, and there were no significant difference in IgA value according to
various gestation period. The IgM values of cord serum in premature babies were rather higher than in fullterm babies. The IgG values of infant serum from 1 to 3 1/2 monts were lower than cord serum IgG level, and somewhat higher than this times one there-after (6 months). However IgA and IgM values of infant serum were higher than those of cord serum. Group 2; The IgG, IgA, IgM values between brest feeding and artificial feeding infant were compared from neonatal period up to 6 months of age. The result of this study revealed that the IgG, IgA, IgM values of brest fed infants were higher than artificial feeding infants up to 1 1/2 month. However
only the IgM values in artificial feeding infants were somewhat higher than the brest feeding infants thereafter(2-6 months of infant period). Group 3; In order to determine the immunological response to inoculation of D.T. (Diphtheria Tetanus) vaccine during the third trimester, IgG,IgA, IgM values from the pregnant women and babiescord blood were compared between injected group and noninjected control group (Table 8, 9). Higher IgG, IgA, IgM values were observed in newborn babies who were bom from the mother had recieved
D.T. vaccine during third trimester than thiose of control group who were not injected. Group 4; Changes of maternal serum IgG, IgA, IgM, values after delivery and lactation period (up-to 3 months) according to gestation period were evaluated. The result of this study revealed that maternal IgG levels showed higher as close to 40 weeks of gestation while lower value were observed in 40-42 weeks of gestation, and showed lowest maternal IgG level of 32-34 weeks of gestation (Table 10), IgG, IgA, IgM values from the maternal serum during 1 to 3 months of lactation period. |