Detection of Tuberculin Sensitivity by Leukocyte Culture |
Hyung Ro Moon |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine Seoul National University Seoul, Korea |
白血球倍養에 의한 투베르쿠린 感受性 檢出 --스테로이드의 影響에 對하여 -- |
文炯魯 |
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Blood specimens obtained from 15 children with positive and negative Mantoux reaction were incubated with OT, PHA-M (as a positive control) and without reagent (as a negative control) in three culture vials using leukocyte culture technique. The following results are obtained. The Mantoux-positive inactive tuberculous group showed marked lymphocytic blastogenesis including mitotic figures when cultured with OT. On the other hand, in the active tuberculous (meningitis) group blastogenesis was either absent or markedly depressed revealing no mitotic figures when cultured with OT. Blastogenesis was depressed more in the corticosteroid treated group than non corticosteroid treated group. None of the Mantoux negative control group showed blastogenesis of significance. In the Mantoux-positive inactive tuberculous group blastogenesis was depressed slightly more in the cultures
with OT compared with the cultures with PHA. In the active taberculous(meningitis) group blastogensis.
was markedly depressed in the cultures with PHA as well as in the cultures with OT.