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The Study of tbc. bacillus culture of C.S.F. and Gastric Juice with Mantoux test of Treated and Untreated Tuberculous Meningitis in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1970;13(2):79-82.
Published online February 28, 1970.
The Study of tbc. bacillus culture of C.S.F. and Gastric Juice with Mantoux test of Treated and Untreated Tuberculous Meningitis in Children
Jin Hong Jung, Hyun Bang Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Medical School Chonnam National University
結核性腦膜炎 患兒의 髓液과 胃液內 菌塔養成績及Mantoux 反應에 對하여
丁珍烘, 金炫放
全甫大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
A study on 42 tbc. meningitis patients who had been diagnosed as such was made at Mokpo Children's tbc. hospital, 1363 to 1967. These cases were made two groups of which the one were received anti-tuberculous therapy and the other were not. Authors made comparative studies of tuberculosis bacillus culture of C. S.F. and gastric juice with Mantoux test between the treated and untreated groups of tuberculous meningitis in children, and the results were as follows: 1) 31 cases of untreated cases before admission, tuberculous bacillus culture studies of C. S. F. were performed and the positive results were 4 patients which is 9. 2% among these cases. 2)Tuberculous bacillus culture study of C. S. F. and gastric juice of 31 cases of treated patients were obtained all negative results. 3)The positive result of Mantoux test of 42 patients were 17 cases. 4)On Roentgen study all patients were revealed with active or calcified pulmonary tuberculous lesion.

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