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Observation of Mentally Retarded Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1970;13(3):131-140.
Published online March 31, 1970.
Observation of Mentally Retarded Children
Kyung Ja Kim, Myung Ho Park
Dept, of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Pusan National University
精神薄弱兒에 對한 調査
金浩明, 朴子慶
益山大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
The authors observed 23 cases of mentally retarded children of Pusan Welfare and Rehabilitation school. In this study, we obtained following results. 1. The etiological study was obscure in disease entity but the main headings were undetermined etiology, infections, suspicious mongolism and accidents. 2.The undetermined group showed most serious mental retardation compare to the group of other etiological factors. 3. The results of I.Q. test are IQ. 0~9 (5 persons), 20~49 (7), 50~80 (11). 4.Psychologically, they showed various types of emotional disturbances. 5.And also, some children had physical handicaps such as paralysis of extremities and ophtalmologic disturbances. 6.The persons above I.Q. 50 were educable that of lower class of primary school. 7.The brief effect of rehabilitation were fair or valuable 8.Measurement of physical growth revealed obvious decrement of growth than normal children of the same age. 9.By the Bender-Gestalt test, 9 persons were able to draw all designs. Almost of them were found serious brain damage.

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