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Clinical studies on abdominal tumors in infants and children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1970;13(10):591-600.
Published online October 31, 1970.
Clinical studies on abdominal tumors in infants and children
Ha Sung Lee, Hyung Sun Yoon, Pyung Kil Kim, Dong Shik Chin
Department of Pediatrics, Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul, Korea
小兒腹部腫蕩에 關한 臨床的 考察
李夏聖, 尹亨善, 金炳吉, 陳東植
We have clinically observed 39 patients 'of abdominal tumors who were admitted in Severance-Hospital during the past 10 years from April 1960 to March 1970. Unfortunately follow-up study couldn’t be made. The following results were obtained. 1) Of total cases observed, 25 patients were male and 14 patients female. 2)The majority of the patients, 34 (87%) were under 6 years of age and especially 20 (51%) were between 1 to 3 years oi age. The youngest patient was 3-month-old female with Wilms' tumor. 3)In our series, Wilms' tumor (15 cases, 38. 5%) was the most common one and neuroblastoma (8 cases) was next common, which was in the abdominal cavity, addition to that we found another 4 cases of neuroblastoma in other sites. We observed hepatoma (8 cases), lymposarcoma of the ileum (2 cases), mesenteric cyst (one case) and adenoma of the left adrenal gland (one case) in order. 4)In 15 patients of Wilms' tumor, hypertention was observed in 8 patients and hematuria in 4 patients. Comparing with Wilms' tumor, no hematuria was noted in neuroblastoma and hypertention was occurred in 3 patients of all neuroblastoma. 5)On abdominal X-ray, calcification was showed in 4 cases of neuroblastoma, 50% and in only one of 15 patients of Wilms' tumor. 6)Comparing the sites of metastasis between Wilms and neuroblastoma, 4 of 15 patients of Wilms' tumor had lung metastasis and 4 of 8 patients of neuroblastoma had bony metastasis. Liver metastasis was found in one of neuroblastoma at autopsy. 7)Three cases of hepatoblastoma were under 2 years of age and three cases of hepatocarcinoma over 12 years of age. 8)Three cases of ovarian tumor were benign cystic teratoma. Torsion of ovarian pedicle was occurred in one of 3 patients with severe low abdominal pain. All patients were discharged with good condition improved after salphingo-oophorectomy. 9)One of lymposarcoma of the ileum was associated with intussusception. 10) The one year and two month old female with adenoma of the left adrenal gland typical had Cushing's syndrome.

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