A Case of Embryonal Carcinoma of the Testis with Metastasis in the Lung |
Jang Jae Cho, Chong Dae Cho |
Depart, of Pediatrics, Pusan University Hospital |
肺轉移를 同伴한 小兒學九에 發生한 胎生性癌腫의 1 例 |
趙璋濟, 趙 宗 大 |
釜山大學校 醫科大學小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
A case of embryonal carcinoma of the testis in a 2 year-1 month old child, metastatized to both lungs, is reported.
Pathological picture are as follows: There are new foci composed of neoplastic cells, which reveals considerable cellular and architectural variation. The tumor is| made up of closed packed, large, highly anaplastic epitherial type of cells with ampholic cytoplasm without definite cell borders. A brief review of the literatures was made.