Clinical Observation of the Japanese B. Encephalitis with Administration of Hydrocortisone
Young Tai Chang |
Department of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School, Kwangju |
—重症腦炎에 關한 Steroid Hormone 의 治療效果一 |
張永泰 |
全南大學校醫科大學小兒科學敎室 |
Abstract |
Clinical observation has been made on 125 cases of severe type of encephalitis admitted and treated at the pediatric department of Chonnam University Medical School Hospital during the period of 1954 to 1968.
Of 125 cases, 65 cases were treated by hydrocortisone regimen, whereas 60 cases were treated without hydrocortisone.following were the results: 1)The fatality rate in control group, was 48. 3% (29 out of 60 cases) while in hydrocortisone group it was 16. 9% (11 out of 65). 2) It may be reasonably assumed that the significant drop o£ fatality rate in hydrocortisone group showed the benificial therapeutic effect on the pathological process of hydrocortisone whose concentra tion in the cerebrospinal fluid might be elevated.