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A Case Report of the Successful Treatment of Acute Renal Failure by the Peritoneal Dialysis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1968;11(12):657-662.
Published online December 31, 1968.
A Case Report of the Successful Treatment of Acute Renal Failure by the Peritoneal Dialysis
Yong Kil Lee, Dong Won Chun, Sang Jhoo Lee
Dept, of Pediatrics, Han-Il Hospital.
腹膜權流法에 依한 急性腎不全症의 1 治驗例
李容吉, 全 東源, 李尙柱
A 8 years 5 month old boy was admitted to Ped. Dept, of Han-IL Hospital because of generalized edema, oliguria with macroscopic hematuria, nausea and vomiting on Dec. 7, 1967. Above mentioned symptoms had been developed since 2 days before admission. 2 weeks prior to the onset, patient was afflicted with scarlet fever. On admission, physical examinations revealed branny skin desquamation on the trunk, edematous face and pretibial pitting edema. After admission, anuric state had been continued for 9 days in spite of forceful treatment with diuretics, fluid supply with 10% glucose, blood and 1/6 M Sodium Lactate, diet therapy and antibiotics. General conditions has been aggravated with hypertension, uremia, acidosis, hyperpotassemia and subjective symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting and mild mental deterioration. On that time, daily checked E.K.G. revealed characteristic findings of hyperpotassemia with tall, slender and tented T wave in all standard leads and V2-V6. On the 9th hospital day, peritoneal dialysis was undertaken. Dialysis fluid of each cycle was 1 liter, equilibrial period 60 minutes and total dialysis fluid was 13 liters. 2 days after peritoneal dialysis, urine amount increased up to 800 cc and followed by diuretic phase for several days. And all subjective symptoms were subsided and serum electrolytes, B.P. and CO2 content were normalized. Thereafter, patient had been treated against nephritis for several months with satisfactory outcome.

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