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Sugar and Protein Contents in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Encephalitis japonica. Tuberculous, Meningitis and Suppurative Meningitis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1965;8(5):15-18.
Published online November 30, 1965.
Sugar and Protein Contents in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Encephalitis japonica. Tuberculous, Meningitis and Suppurative Meningitis
Choi-Won Bang
Dept, of Pediatrics, Chonnam University Medical School
小兒 腦管髓液內 Protein 및 Sugar 含量의 病的勤態
The determination of sugar and protein contents has been made for the cerebrospinal fluid in such pathological conditions as tuberculous meningitis(29 cases), encephalitis japonica (35 cases) and suppurative meningitis (7 cases), In encephalitis japonica, the sugar and protein contents were almost similar to the normal values. In tuberculous meningitis and suppurative meningitis, the contents of sugar was markedly increased, while the protein contents was markedly decreased. The results of statistical study seem significant in view of the fact that P value is under 0.001.

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