A Case of Cloacal Deformity |
Young Mi Jee, Seung Jin Lee, In Kyung Sung, Byung Churl Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, Catholic University Medical College, Seoul, Korea |
선천성 배설강기형 1례 |
지영미, 이승진, 성인경, 이병철 |
가톨릭의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Abstract |
We experienced a case of cloacal deformity. This one day-old female neonate had hydrometrocolpos with vaginal atresia, imperforated anus, cloaca associated with hemivertebrae, left renal agenesis and right hydronephrosis. A brief review of related literature was made. |
Key Words:
Cloacal deformity, Hemivertebrae, Renal agenesis |