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A Clinical Study on Cardiovascular Disease of Children Taken Cardiac Catheterization and Cineangiography

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1992;35(7):949-956.
Published online July 15, 1992.
A Clinical Study on Cardiovascular Disease of Children Taken Cardiac Catheterization and Cineangiography
Gi Yeon Song, Seog Beom Cho, Pyoung Han Hwang, Chan Uhng Joo, Jung Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chonbuk Nation University, Chonju, Korea
심도자법 및 심혈관촬영술을 시행한 소아 심혈관질환의 임상적 고찰
송기연, 조석범, 황평한, 주찬웅, 김정수
전북대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
A clinical study was made on 533 patients with cardiovascular disease who were admitted to pediatric department of Chonbuk National University Hospital and performed cardiac catheterization and cineangiography from February 1984 to August 1991. The results were as follows; 1) The ratio of male to female was about 0.81:1; among 533 cases, male 283cases, male 283cases, female 295cases. 2)The age distribution of the patients with heart disease was as follows; 33cases(6.2%) were under 1 year, 170cases(31.8%) 2~5 years, 196cases(36.8%) 6~10 years, 122cases(22.9%) 11~14 years and 12cases(12.3%) above 15 years. 3) The distribution of heart disease in order of frequency was as follows; VSD(34.9%), PDA(23.8%), ASD(13.0%), TOF(11.4%) and PS(4.7%), etc. TGA was observed predominantly in male patients and PDA revealed female preponderance. 4) The distribution of each heart disease in male were VSD(41.6%), TOF(14.3%), ASD(13.0%), PDA(11.3%), and PS(5.5%), etc. in order of frequency, and in female, PDA(33.9%), VSD(29.5%), ASD(13.2%), TOF(11.4%) and PS(4.7%), etc. TGA was observed predominantly in male patients and PDA revealed female preponderance. 5) Ventricular septal defectsassociated with other cardiac anomalies were 48cases(25.8%); PFO(8.7%), AR(6.0%), PS, ASD and left superior vena cava, etc. in odrder of frequency respectively. 6) In 533cases, the patients with associated PFO and LSVC was observed 49cases(9.2%) and 7cases(1.3%). 7) Of children with heart disease, the cases accompanied urinary tract anomalies were 12cases(2.25%); duplication(4cases), rotation anomaly(3cases), unilateral agenesis(2cases), ureteropelvic junction obstruction(2cases) and hydronephrosis(1cases). 8) Major complications during cardiac catheterization and cineangiography appeared in 16cases(3.0%); ventricular & supraventricular tachycardia requiring managment were observed in 11cases, rupture of the right upper pulmonary vein in 2cases, perforation of the left ventricle in 1case and the operation for femoral artery thrombosis in 1case. There was one patient who died of middle cerebral artery thrombosis after cardiac catheterization.
Key Words: Congenital heart disease, Cardiac catheterization, Cineangiography

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