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The Effect of Long-Term Corticosteroid Treatment on Height Velocity in Childhood

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(2):185-194.
Published online February 15, 1993.
The Effect of Long-Term Corticosteroid Treatment on Height Velocity in Childhood
Byung Mun Lee, Chan Yung Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Pusan National University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea
부신피질 호르몬 장기투여 환아에 있어 신장증가 속도에 대한 고찰
이병문, 김찬영
부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
The auther analysed 29 patients who were treated with prednisolone, including nephrotic syndrome(13 cases). Acute leukemia (10 cases), bronchial asthma(2 cases), juvenile rheumatoid arthritis(2 cases) and ulcerative colitis(1 cases) patients in childhood, after remission induction, prolonged alternate or interrupted treatment was used. The auther observed patterns of height velocity of these patients from 1.6 to 10.3 years. The results were as follow 1) Of the total 29 patients who were treated with prednisolone, most of them showed normal height velocity within the percentile channels, but 4 cases(13.8%) of them showed delay in height velocity. 2) The 4 cases who delayed in height velocity, including 2 cases of bronchial asthma and 2 cases 6 years alternatively or interruptedly. Height velocity was decreased from between 3 and 25 percentile channel at first to below 3 percentile channel at last contiously. 3) In these 4 cases, height velocity was inversely proportion to dosage of prednisolone.
Key Words: Corticosteroid treatment, Short stature, Height velocity

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