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A Study of Serum Transaminase Level and It's Correlation with Several Symptoms in Children with HRV Gastroenteritis

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(8):1146-1155.
Published online August 15, 1993.
A Study of Serum Transaminase Level and It's Correlation with Several Symptoms in Children with HRV Gastroenteritis
Gang Youl Bae, Eui Tak Oh, Woo Sik Jung, Kil Seo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Dae Dong Hospital, Busan, Korea
Human Rotavirus 위장염의 주요증상과 혈청 아미노기 전이효소(Transaminase)농도와의 관계에 대한 연구
배강열, 오의탁, 정우식, 김길서
대동병원 소아과
The retrospective study was taken to study the serum trasnsaminase level and it's correlation with several symptoms in human rotavirus gastroenteritis. 494 children, who admitted to the Department of Pediatrics in Dae Dong Hospital from January 1991 to December 1991 with chief complaints of waterdy diarrhea were included in studies. The 1 st stool specimen on admission was tested for rotavirus Ag by ELISA method. And than serum transaminase were checked. The results are as follows; 1) The peak incidence being between 6 months to 2 years in both group, but higher incidence was noted in Non-HRV group. Males are more common than females by ratio of about 2:1. 2) The major symptoms in order of frequency was diarrhea > dehydration > vomiting > coughing > fever in HRV group, diarrhea>dehydration= vomiting>fever>coughing in Non-HRV group. The incidence of dehydration and coughing in HRV group were higher than in Non-HRV group. 3) AST & ALT elevation above the normal value were 83.2%(213/256), 52.0%(133/256) in HRV group and 45.3%(116/238), 22.3%(57/238) in Non-HRV group. AST & ALT were significantly increased in HRV group than Non-HRV group (AST: p<0.05, ALT: p<0.05). 4) Mean concentration of AST & ALT were 46.82, 38.06 in HRV group and 29.06, 21.23 in Non-HRV group (AST: p<0.05, ALT: p<0.05). 5) Mild dehydration is relatively more common in both group. The frequency were 56.6%(145/256) in HRV group, 47.5%(113/238) in Non-HRV group. The degree of dehydration was not correlated with serum transaminase level at each group (HRV group: p>0.05, Non-HRV group: p>0.05). 6) Duration of diarrhea for 4-5days & 1-3 days were relatively more common in HRV group than Non-HRV group. The frequency were 36.3% (93/256) in HRV group and 34.9% (83/268) in Non-HRV group. The degree of diarrhea were not correlated with serum transaminase level at each group (HRV group: p>0.05, Non-HRV group: p>0.05). 7) No fever or duration of fever for 1-2days were relatively more common in both group. The frequency were 39.9% (102/256), 37.5%(96/256) in HRV group and 38.2%(91/238), 42.5%(101/238) in Non-HRV group. The degree of fever was not correlated with serum transaminase level in HRV group, but correlated with Non-HRV group(HRV groupL p>0.05, Non-HRV group:p<0.05).
Key Words: Human rotavirus gastroenteritis, Serum transaminase

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