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Re-evaluation of TSH Screening TEST in Neonates

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1993;36(11):1502-1506.
Published online November 15, 1993.
Re-evaluation of TSH Screening TEST in Neonates
Jin Young Song, Dong Woo Son, Beyong Il Kim, Sei Won Yang, Jung-Hwan Choi, Chong Ku Yoon, Hyung Ro Moon
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
신생아에서 TSH 선별 검사의 재평가
송진영, 손동우, 김병일, 양세원, 최중환, 윤종구, 문형로
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Five years ago, we made the cut-off value of TSH by dry filter paper method as 15μU/ml to screening congenital hypothyrodism. Since then, 1,210 term neonates, who had no perinatal problems, screening test with this cut-off point. Neonates had been recalled for measurement of serum T4/TSH to rule out congenital hypothyroidism if their TSH value by screening tests reveal more than 15μU/ml. Because there had high false-positive rate during 5 years, we felt this cut-off value of TSH should be set higher than 15μU/ml with same method. Therefore, we analyzed this TSH values to set a new cut-off point to recall the neonates. The results are as below : 1) TSH value by dry filter paper method was 8.48±4.41μU/ml(mean±S.D.) 2) Assuming 15μU/ml as a cut-off point for recall the neonates, the false positive rate is 8.01%. 3) To make the false positive rates as 0.3%, it is reasonable to set the cut-off point at 22μU/ml, which is ±3S.D.(99.7 percentile) of measured TSH level by dry filter paper method.
Key Words: TSH screening, Congenital hypothyroidism, False positive rate

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