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A Case of Intractable Ulcerating Enterocolitis" of Infant"

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1995;38(2):264-270.
Published online February 15, 1995.
A Case of Intractable Ulcerating Enterocolitis" of Infant"
Ju Young Jeong3, Jeong Kee Seo3, Kwi Won Park2, Je Geun Chi1
1Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Surgery of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea
3Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul University, Seoul, Korea
난치성 궤양성 소장결장염 영아 1례
정주영3, 서정기3, 박귀원2, 지제근1
1서울대학교 의과대학 병리학교실
2서울대학교 의과대학 외과학교실
3서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Intractable ulcerating enterocolitis of infancy is uncommon, inhereditary disease characterized by ulcerating stomatitis, severe perianal disease, affecting the whole gastrointestinal tract, mainly colon with flask shaped large ulcer. It was first described by Sanderson et al in 5 cases of infant with intractable diarrhea having above clinical manifestation. It should be differentiated with Crohn's disease and Behcet's disease. We experienced a case of intractable ulcerating enterocolitis in an infant. A 17 month old patient was admitted because of intractable diarrhea since 2 months of age. Radilogical and endoscopic examination revealed chronic ulcerative inflammation with pseudopolyps involving ileum and entire colon. Ileocolectomy was performed because of its unresponsiveness to medical theraphy. The histology of resected specimen showed large flask shaped ulcer with underlying edge in the colon, terminal ileum. No evidence of granuloma suggesting Crohn's disease or vasculitis suggesting Behcet's colitis were noted. We report this case as an example of "intractable ulcerating enterocolitis"(Sanderson et al).
Key Words: Intractable diarrhea, Ulcerating enterocolitis

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