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The Efficacy of Routine Liver Function Test Follow Up in Epileptic Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1997;40(5):660-671.
Published online May 15, 1997.
The Efficacy of Routine Liver Function Test Follow Up in Epileptic Children
Dae Hun Pee, Hyung Joo Sohn, Young Kyoo Shin, Baik Lin Eun, Sang Hee Park, Soon Kyum Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Korea University, Seoul, Korea
항경련제 투여 환아에서 간기능 검사 추적 관찰의 효용성
피대훈, 손형주, 신영규, 은백린, 박상희, 김순겸
고려대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
: Routine liver function test follow up is done in epileptic children receiving antiepileptic drugs to prevent hepatotoxicity induced by these drugs. But rarely seen are the abnormalities of liver function test, and seldomly are these abnormalities accompanied by the clinical manifestation. This study is carried out to assess the efficacy of routine liver function test follow up in epileptic children.
: We determined the changes of the serum levels of aspartate aminotransferase(AST), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total protein, albumin, γ-glutamyltransferase(γ-GT) and alkaline phosphatase before and 3, 6, 12 months and 2 years after antiepileptic drug medication in 59 epileptic children who had been receiving carbamazepine(n=16), phenobarbital(n=14), valproic acid(n=10) and combination of these(n=19) for 2 to 5 years.
: 1) The difference in liver function test follow up according to the age and sex was not found and there was no statistical correlationship between drug medication time and the serum drug level. 2) AST and ALT had been within normal range for all the study period in any group. 3) Total bilirubin had been within normal range for all the study period in any group. Direct bilirubin had decreased for the first 6 months in valproic acid group, but the changes had been within normal range for all the study period. 4) Total protein and albumin had been within normal range for all the study period in any group. 5) γ-GT had the increasing tendency for all the study period in valproic acid group, but the values had been within normal range for all the study period. 6) Alkaline phosphatase had decreased for the first 6 months in valproic acid group, but the changes had been within normal range for all the study period. 7) No clinically significant hepatic manifestation had developed during study period in any group.
: Our data suggest that routine liver function test follow up itself can not be the indicator of hepatotoxicity and that liver function test in need when accompanied by the development of clinical hepatic manifestation is more efficacious than routine liver function test follow up.
Key Words: Anti-epileptic drug, Liverfunction test

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