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Compliance with Anticonvulsant Therapy in Epileptic Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1998;41(11):1553-1558.
Published online November 15, 1998.
Compliance with Anticonvulsant Therapy in Epileptic Children
Young Hwan Choi, Ki Sik Min, Jong Wan Kim, Ki Yang Yoo
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Seoul, Korea
간질환아의 항경련제 투약에 대한 순응도 연구
최영환, 민기식, 김종완, 유기양
한림대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Young Hwan Choi, Email: 1
: Good compliance with an anticonvulsant medication regimen is essential for the successful management of epilepsy. However, pediatric compliance with anticonvulsant therapy did not well be studied. The aim of this study was to identify the following key in noncompliance in pediatric out patients receiving anticonvulsant therapy determining factors.
: Eighty-one epileptic outpatients under fifteen years of age with anticonvulsant therapy from the pediatric department of Kang-Dong Sacred Heart Hospital was enrolled for the study. Variables such as age, sex ratio, the reason of poor compliance, medication regimen and seizure frequency were extracted from each patients'medical record.
: Up to 37% of the patients was labeled as a poor compliant group. Compliance was low at the under 6 year and over 13 year-old patient group, and was also low for those who hadn't had a seizure in a while and for those who had a low seizure rate since last year. The mean plasma level of anticonvulsants was higher in the good compliant group than in the poor compliant group. The most reported obstacle to good compliance was forgetfulness. Side effect and drug rejection were also reported.
: To the high risk group of poor compliance, reminding, decreasing side effects, making simple administration adjustments have been reported to be useful in promoting compliance with medication regimens.
Key Words: Compliance, Anticonvulsants, Epileptic children

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