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The Percentiles of Body Mass Index and Trend of Obesity in Schoolage Children in Seoul

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1999;42(6):756-764.
Published online June 15, 1999.
The Percentiles of Body Mass Index and Trend of Obesity in Schoolage Children in Seoul
Min Ji Kim1, Jin Seop Kang1, Jae Wook Go1, Young Jin Hong2, Don Hee Ahn1, Do Myung Paek3, Yun Joo Kang4, Sung Jae Suh4
1Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, In Ha University, Incheon, Korea
3School of Public Health, Seoul N5ational University, Seoul, Korea
4Seoul School Health Center, Seoul, Korea
서울 지역 학생의 체질량지수 백분위수와 비만도 추이
김민지1, 강진섭1, 고재욱1, 홍영진2, 안돈희1, 백도명3, 강윤주4, 서성제4
1국립의료원 소아과
2인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
3서울대학교 보건대학원
4서울특별시 학교보건원
Min Ji Kim, Email: 1
: Many authors have reported that obesity is a serious health problem in schoolage children and adolescents and recently obese children are increasing. Accurate diagnosis is needed to estimate the prevalence rate and trend of obesity. We studied body mass index(BMI) percentile for age and sex as a reliable and valid screening for adiposity.
: We measured weight and height of 33,329 schoolage children to estimate obesity according to body mass index(weight in kilograms/height in meters2) and different standard weight. We also calculated BMI percentiles according to age and sex. We defined obesity for screening purposes as body mass index(BMI) equal to or in excess of the 95th percentile for age and sex. We also compared the prevalence of obesity according to a different standard weight.
: The mean value of body mass index(BMI) increases with age and tends to be slightly higher for male than female subjects. The 95th percentiles of body mass index(BMI) ranges from 18.9kg/m2 to 28.2kg/m2 for both males and females. No significant differences were apparent in the mean value of body mass index for each year.
: The percentile curves of body mass index(BMI) will help pediatricians to determine the relative ranking of patients compared with large sample of healthy schoolage children. Further studies are needed to define a useful criteria for defining obesity using body mass index(BMI) in childhood and adolescence. A longitudinal study and nationwide sampling will be required to overcome the limitation of this cross-sectional study.
Key Words: Obesity, Body mass index

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