A Case of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Coinciding with Bronchial Asthma associated with Mycoplasma Pneumonia |
Kyung-Yil Lee, Dong-Joon Lee, Ji-Whan Han, Sang-Won Ch, John-Sung Lee, Kyung-Tai Whang |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea |
Guillain-Barré 증후군과 기관지 천식이 병발한 마이코플라즈마 폐렴 1례 |
이경일, 이동준, 한지환, 차상원, 이준성, 황경태 |
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Kyung-Yil Lee, Email: 1 |
Abstract |
Mycoplasma pneumoniae is the most common etiologic agent of pneumonia in school-aged children and young adults. It involves not only the respiratory system but includes extrapulmonary complications such as exanthem, hemolysis, arthritis, hepatic dysfuction, cardiac disease, and central nervous system disease. The pathogenesis of extrapulmonary involvements may be an autoimmune phenomena. Recent studies suggest that bronchial asthma can be initiated by Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection. We experienced a five-year-old girl suffering simultaneously from Guillain- Barré syndrome and initial bronchial asthmatic attack after mycoplasma pneumonia. She was admitted with lower-leg pain and weakness for three days. Ten days before admission, she was coughing and showed on a chest X-ray, pneumonic infitrations of both subhilar peribronchial areas. The titers of anti-mycoplasma antibody and cold hemagglutinin were 1:80 and 1:32, respectively. With a progression of paralysis to the upper extremities, she showed dyspnea, dysphagia and right facial palsy on the second hospital day. We performed a tracheostomy and started artificial ventilation. Unexpectedly, she showed continuous dyspnea, poor lung aeration and revealed severe hypoxemia in serial arterial gas analysis. Intravenous theophylline, high-dose corticosteroid and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy resulted in a progressive improvement of lung condition. She recovered completely from neurologic and pulmonic complications after five weeks. |
Key Words:
Mycoplasma pneumonia, Guillain-Barré, syndrome, Bronchial asthma |