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Effects of Respiration on Right and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Normal Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1999;42(10):1412-1418.
Published online October 15, 1999.
Effects of Respiration on Right and Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Normal Children
Hae-Soon Kim, Young Mi Hong
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
정상 소아의 좌우 심실 확장기능에 대한 호흡의 영향
김혜순, 홍영미
이화여자대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Hae-Soon Kim, Email: 1
: To evaluate the effects of respiration on diastolic filling pattern in normal children by Doppler echocardiography. Materials and Methods : Doppler echocardiograms of the tricuspid and mitral valves were recorded with electrocardiogram and respirations in 46 normal children aged 3months to 14years(7.6¡¾3.5year). We measured the following variables: heart rate, the peak E and A velocities, the area under the E and A portions of the diastolic velocity-time integral(VTI) isovolumetric relaxation time(IVRT). From these measurements, we calculated the following: the peak E/A ratio, the VTIe/VTIa, VTIe/VTIt, VTIa/VTIt.
: There was a significant decrease with inspiration only in peak E velocity of left ventricle(LV) filling. There was a significant increase in peak E velocity, peak A velocity, peak E/A, VTIe, VTIe/VTIa, VTIe/VTIt and VTIa/VTIt of right ventricle(RV) filling with inspiration. The LV peak E velocity, peak A velocities and VTIe were significantly higher than those of the right ventricle during inspiration. All variables of diastole except VTIa and VTIa/VTIt were higher for the left than for the right ventricle during expiration. VTIa/VTIt was higher for right ventricle. Conculsion : Assessment of pediatric RV and LV diastolic flow by echocardiography should include standardization for phase of respiration.
Key Words: Respiration, Ventricle, Diastolic function

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