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Effectiveness of Polaroid Photoscreening for Amblyogenic Fctors in Infants & Young Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2000;43(10):1380-1385.
Published online October 15, 2000.
Effectiveness of Polaroid Photoscreening for Amblyogenic Fctors in Infants & Young Children
Su Mi Ihn1, Sang Hyun Byun1, Hang Jin Cho2, Byung Mu Min2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea
2Department of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Taejon, Korea
영·유아에서 Polaroid Photoscreening을 이용한 약시검증의 유용성 평가
인수미1, 변상현1, 조항진2, 민병무2
1충남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2충남대학교 의과대학 안과학교실
: Amblyopia is the commonest cause of defective vision in childhood. It develops during the sensitive period of visual maturation which continues until about 7-8 years of age. The authors investigated the effect of a polaroid photoscreening camera designed to detect amblyogenic factors, including asymmetric and abnormal refractive errors, strabismus, ptosis and media opacities.
: Fifty-four children aged 3-24 months were evaluated for amblyogenic factors using the polaroid photoscreening camera from March 1998 to March 1999 in Chungnam National University Children's Hospital. Then each child underwent medical examination by an ophthamologist.
: The mean age was 9.0¡¾4.5 months. The results of photoscreening were normal findings of 74.1%, abnormal findings of 25.9%, and slight eccentric fixation in 18 cases, normal findings in 9 cases, peripheral crescents in 13 cases, strabismus in 4 cases, myopia in 5 cases, hyperopia in 2 cases, anisometropia in 2 cases, ptosis in 1 case and reexam in 14 cases. The photoscreener had a sensitivity rate of 81.8%, a specificity rate of 88.4%, a positive predictive value of 64.3% and a negative predictive value of 95.0%.
: Polaroid photoscreening method is an easy, noninvasive and reliable mass screening method of detecting amblyogenic factors in undilated children.
Key Words: Polaroid photoscreening, Amblyogenic factors, Infants & young children

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