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Clinical Studies of Measles Prevalence in Western Kyungnam District in 2000

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2002;45(3):331-338.
Published online March 15, 2002.
Clinical Studies of Measles Prevalence in Western Kyungnam District in 2000
Byoung O Kwon, Hye Young Ju, Jeong Hee Kim, Hwang Jae Yoo, Chun Soo Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Masan Samsung Hospital, Masan, Korea
2000년도 경남 서부 지역에 유행한 홍역의 임상양상
권병오, 주혜영, 김정희, 유황재, 김천수
성균관대학교 의과대학 마산삼성병원 소아과
Hwang Jae Yoo, Email: heavendoctor@yahoo.co.kr
: To investigate the feature of the range of measles in 2000, we studied epidemics of the measles in western Kyungnam District.
: Among 489 patients under 15 years of age who visited or were admitted to in our hospital from January to December in 2000, we selected 344 patients whose measles IgM antibody was positive. We investigated age, monthly incidence, clinical features, vaccination history, and measles IgG antibody.
: Patients under 12 months of age occupied the largest proportion(36.9%). Patients firstly occurred in May and geometrically increased from October. Fever, cough and rashes were observed in all patients but conjunctivitis in 54.9%, Koplik spot in 23.8%. The first vaccination ratio was 41.8%. Compared with the number of patients and the first vaccination ratio, the first vaccination ratio was the lowest under 12 months of age. After that age group, the number of patients was decreased as the first vaccination ratio was increased. Among 152 patients sampled for measles IgG antibody, 35 patients had received the first vaccination and 6 patients had received the second vaccination. Among 35 patients who received the first vaccination, 22(62.9%) patients were negative of measles IgG antibody. Among 6 patients who received the second vaccination, 3(50%) patients were negative.
: Measles patients under 12 months still dominated. Therefore, routine vaccination of single measles vaccine, is currently done at 6 month when measles are prevalent, should be considered. High first vaccination failure suggests problems of vaccines itself, transport and storage rather than vaccination methods. Therefore a thorough investigation should be made.
Key Words: Measles, Vaccination

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