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Sequential Analysis of Hepatitis Be Antigen Status in Infants Born to Hepatitis Be Antigen-Positive Mothers

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2002;45(6):727-731.
Published online June 15, 2002.
Sequential Analysis of Hepatitis Be Antigen Status in Infants Born to Hepatitis Be Antigen-Positive Mothers
Eun Sook Park1, Hae Kyung Lee1, Chang Hee Oh1, Sung Ku Kim1, Hae Sun Yun1, Won Keun Song2, Young Ah Lee3
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanlim University, Seoul, Korea
3Lee Young Ah Pediatric Clinic, Seoul, Korea
HBe항원 양성 산모에서 출생한 HBe항원양성인 신생아의 추적관찰
박은숙1, 이해경1, 오창희1, 김성구1, 윤혜선1, 송원근2, 이영아3
1한림대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Hae Sun Yun, Email: ped2yoon@hanmail.net
: The objectives of this study are to evaluate the significance of HBeAg positivity in infants born to HBeAg and HBsAg positive mothers.
: The HBeAg status of 22 HBeAg positive, HBsAg negative infants born to HBeAg and HBsAg positive mothers from December 1996 to March 1999 were evaluated by enzyme immunoassay.
: The number of HBsAg positive carrier mothers was 213(4.9%) out of 4,338 pregnant women. HBeAg was positive in 76(41.5%) out of 183 HBsAg positive mothers. Only 49 infants born to 76 HBeAg positive mothers could be evaluated; 36 infants were HBeAg positive and HBsAg negative. Laboratory follow up was possible in 22 infants. HBeAg disappeared in 7 cases within two months and in 20 cases within 12 months(over 90%). Ultimately, twenty-two babies who were HBsAg-negative and HBeAg-positive became negative for HBeAg, however, one showed HBsAg in follow up of 6 months of age.
: HBeAg positivity in infants born to HBeAg positive mothers may result from the maternofetal transmission and this HBeAg eventually disappeared without clinical significance.
Key Words: HBsAg, HBeAg, Maternofetal transmission

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