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A Case of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome in a Child

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2002;45(10):1292-1297.
Published online October 15, 2002.
A Case of Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome in a Child
Taeg Young Lee, Yoo Mi Chung, Hee Gyung Kang, Il Soo Ha, Hae Il Cheong, Yong Choi
Department of Pediatrics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
소아에서 발생한 전신성 모세혈관 누출 증후군(Systemic Capillary Leak Syndrome) 1례
이택영, 정유미, 강희경, 하일수, 정해일, 최 용
서울대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Il Soo Ha, Email: ilsooha@snu.ac.kr
Systemic capillary leak syndrome(SCLS) is a rare disorder of unknown etiology, which is characterized by recurrent attacks of hypotension, hemoconcentration, and hypoalbuminemia. Urinary or enteric loss of protein is not demonstrated. It is often associated with monoclonal gammopathy, but does not manifest multiple myeloma. Since Clarkson et al. described the first case in a 34- year-old woman, about 50 cases have been reported in the literature. However, most of the cases were of adult age, and the mean age of onset in the reported cases was 42.6 years. In literature review, we could refer only one pediatric case of SCLC by Foeldvari et al. in 1995. We report another pediatric case of SCLS.
Key Words: Systemic capillary leak syndrome, Child

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