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Nutritional Assessment and the Effectiveness of Dietary Counseling in Infants and Young Children with Iron Deficiency Anemia

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(1):11-16.
Published online January 15, 2003.
Nutritional Assessment and the Effectiveness of Dietary Counseling in Infants and Young Children with Iron Deficiency Anemia
Ja Kyoung Kim1, Eun Young Ko1, Yu Jin Lee2, Yong Hun Jun1, Soon Ki Kim1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
2Department of Nutrition Service, Inha University Hospital, Incheon, Korea
철결핍성 빈혈을 가진 영유아에서 영양학적 평가 및 영양상담 효과
김자경1, 고은영1, 이유진2, 전용훈1, 김순기1
1인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2인하대학교병원 영양과
Soon Ki Kim, Email: pedkim@inha.ac.kr
: Iron deficiency is still the most common nutrient deficient disorder despite the improvement in general health and nutrition. This study is designed to evaluate the dietary history of infants and young children with iron deficiency anemia(IDA) and the effects of nutritional counseling.
: This study was conducted on 120 children from 6 to 36 months of age with IDA. Their parents completed a questionnaire and took counsel for nutrition. IDA was defined as Hb <11.0 g/ dL, ferritin <10 ng.mL or transferrin saturation <15%, or Hb increase >1 g/dL after iron preparation. The questionnaire consisted of their feeding patterns, weaning time and kinds of food.
: In the 120 infants and young children aged from 6 to 36 months, the parents of 82 cases was counseled about nutrition. Fifty six infants among 82 cases have started weaning and the main foods of weaning were rice and/or rice gruel. Nutritional problems in weaning were that some children over one year of age were using a bottle, and parents restricted weaning food at will because of allergic disease or chronic disease. Most parents were satisfied with the nutritional counseling given from a clinical dietitian and showed good compliance.
: Many infants and young children with IDA were provided with non iron-fortified foods and made an inadequate wean. Most parents were satisfied with the nutritional counseling and showed good compliance. The need of dietary counseling was required for prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia because of inadequate weaning.
Key Words: Iron deficiency anemia, Nutritional counseling, Dietary history

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