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Relationship between Body Fat Distribution and Metabolic Risk Factors in Adolescents

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(4):326-334.
Published online April 15, 2003.
Relationship between Body Fat Distribution and Metabolic Risk Factors in Adolescents
Dal Hyun Kim, Tae Jung Seong, Young Jin Hong, Byong Kwan Son, Soon Ki Kim
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Inha University, Incheon, Korea
청소년에서의 체지방 분포와 대사위험 인자들의 연관성
김달현, 성태정, 홍영진, 손병관, 김순기
인하대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Soon Ki Kim, Email: pedkim@inha.ac.kr
: The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of obesity in adolescents; to study the association between obesity, blood pressure, and dyslipidemia; and to evaluate the superiority of waist circumference to waist/hip ratio(WHR) in central obesity.
: We selected 1382 adolescents(M : F=690 : 692) aged from 11 to 18 years(mean age; boys 15.0, girls 15.4) in Incheon. We measured weight, height, waist, waist/hip ratio, and blood pressure, with blood sampling to evaluate the dyslipidemia.
: The prevalence of obesity was 6.7% in boys and 6.9% in girls by body mass index(BMI). The prevalence of systolic hypertension was 15.7% in normal group, 32.4% in the overweight group, and 35.4% in the obese group by BMI. The prevalence of diastolic hypertension was 4.9% in the normal group, 6.9% in the overweight group, and 14.6% the in obese group. In boys and girls, BMI, waist circumference, and WHR were positively correlated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure. respectively. In boys, triglyceride was positively correlated with waist circumference(r=0.34, P<0.05). In boys and girls, BMI was highly correlated with obesity index(r=0.98, each), with waist circumference(r=0.89, r=0.82, respectively), and with body fat(r=0.85, r=0.89) respectively.
: These data suggest the importance of the screening of blood pressure in obese adolescents, with prevention and intervention of obesity since it may be the most cost-effective way of reducing the complications related with obesity.
Key Words: BMI, Waist circumference, Waist/hip ratio(WHR), Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia

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