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A Case of Influenza-associated Encephalopathy

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 2003;46(10):1024-1028.
Published online October 15, 2003.
A Case of Influenza-associated Encephalopathy
Yeoni Song1, Chang Hwan Choi1, Jong Woon Choi1, Se Young Kim1, Hyun Soo Kim2, Yeol Kim3, Dong Jin Im4
1Department of Pediatrics, Bundang Jesaeng Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Bundang Jesaeng Hospital, Seongnam, Korea
3Laboratory of Respiratory Virus, Department of Virus, National Institution of Health, Seoul, Korea
4Division of Epidemiologic Investigation, Department of Inectious Disease Control, National Institution of Health, Seoul, Korea
인플루엔자 관련 뇌증 1례
송연이1, 최창환1, 최종운1, 김세영1, 김현수2, 김열3, 임동진4
1분당제생병원 소아과
2분당제생병원 진단검사의학과
3국립보건원 호흡기 바이러스과
4국립보건원 역학조사과
Se Young Kim, Email: odajulia@dmc.or.kr
Influenza-associated encephalopathy is regarded as one of the major neurologic disease entities along with those of Reye syndrome, acute necrotizing encephalopathy, and myelitis which are known to be related to influenza virus, mostly type A. And it is being actively researched in Japan as it has caused a tremendous increase in the number of deaths from 1997 to 2002, but it has not been yet reported in the Korean pediatric medical community. It attacks those previously healthy children, who have not been vaccinated. Patients start with such symptoms as fever and common respiratory problems, but within 24 to 48 hours they suffer from seizures with acute mental deterioration, become worse, and suffer multiple organ failures including marked elevated transaminase levels as well as coagulopathy. It induces deaths in a couple of days after the symptoms appear or remains a serious neurologic sequelae. Confirmative diagnosis is used to demonstrate influenza viral infection. We report here a 37 month aged boy who was admitted to our hospital during the last influenza season under the diagnosis of influenza associated encephalopathy on the basis of serologic testing by hemagglutinin inhibition(HI). This is the first report confirmed by increased antibody titer of the influenza A virus in Korea.
Key Words: Influenza associated encephalopathy, Influenza virus, Multiple organ failure

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