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Clinical characteristics and outcomes of status epilepticus as an initial seizure in children

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2006;49(6):659-664.
Published online June 15, 2006.
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of status epilepticus as an initial seizure in children
Mi Jeong Kim1, Young Ok Kim1, Sun Hee Kim1, Woo Yeon Choi1, Hyung Suk Byun2, Chan Jong Kim1, Young Jong Woo1
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chonnam National University
2College of Medicine, Seonam University, Gwangju, Korea
첫 경련으로 발현된 소아기 간질지속상태(status epilepticus)의 임상 특성과 예후
김미정1, 김영옥1, 김선희1, 최우연1, 변형석2, 김찬종1, 우영종1
1전남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2서남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Young Ok Kim, Email: ik052@unitel.co.kr
: To evaluate the morbidity and mortality of children with status epilepticus(SE) as an initial seizure and to compare these according to age groups.
: The 78 cases(38 cases <2 years and 38 cases ≥2 years) with SE as an initial seizure admitted to the Chonnam national university hospital from Jan. 2000 to Jan. 2004 were reviewed. Developmental profiles, laboratory findings, etiologies and seizure types of SE and outcomes were compared in between two age groups, under and over 2 years.
: SE occurred predominantly in less than 5 years old. Febrile causes were the most common, which is significantly more in those under 2 years than over 2 years(P<0.05). whereas idiopathic and acute symptomatic causes were more common in those over 2 years(P<0.05). Generalized tonic-clonic seizures was the most common type. The mortality rate was 6.4 percent(5 cases : 1 case <2 years and 4 cases ≥2 years). The estimated occurrence of epilepsy after SE was 24.4 percent(19 cases : 8 cases <2 years and 11 cases ≥2 years). The neurologic sequelae after SE in cases that had developed normally before SE(62 cases : 32 cases <2 years and 30 cases ≥2 years) were observed in 20 cases(32.3 percent), and were more frequent over 2 years(21.9 percent vs. 43.3 percent, P<0.05).
: In this study death was less common and the neurologic sequelaes of SE as an initial seizure were less severe in children under 2 years of age. The reason seemed to be the difference in the etiology of SE with age.
Key Words: Status epilepticus , Child , Clinical characteristis , Outcome

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