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Clinical Observation of Pericarditis in Children

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1973;16(4):321-329.
Published online April 30, 1973.
Clinical Observation of Pericarditis in Children
Kil Joong Kim, Jung Lim Rhee, Joong Sik Kim, Keun Soo Lee
Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center Seoul, Korea
小兒 心囊炎의 臨床的 觀察
金吉中, 李重林, 金仲植, 李謹洙
國立醫療院 小兒科
27 cases of pericarditis were presented, among which 19 cases were acute pericarditis and 8 cases chronic constrictive pericarditis. Its over all incidence were 0.3% of total admission. Males were more frequently affected than female. The ratio was 20 : 7. In aucte pericarditis, purulent and rheumatic origins were most common, which were followed by tuberculous, idiopathi, postpericardiectomy syndrome and pericarditis due to malignant metastasis in order of frequency. All cases of purulent pericarditis were developed under the 5 year of age, whereas other cases were usually developed over the 5 year of age. In chronic constrictive psricarditis, all cases were developed over the 10 year of age, the causes of which were tuberculous more frequently than idiopathic form. Clinical observations and laboratory examinations were discussed. Acute pericarditis were treated with medical treatment with or without pericardial drainage except one case of tuberculous origin. Pericardiectomy had to be performed in almost all cases of chronic constrictive pericarditis. Autopsy were performed in 6 of 8 cases of hospital death, the main causes of which were congestive heart failure in the majority of death cases. A brief review of the literature was made.

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