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A comparative study on iron deficiency anemia based on feeding patterns of nine-month-old infants

Korean Journal of Pediatrics 2008;51(8):820-826.
Published online August 15, 2008.
A comparative study on iron deficiency anemia based on feeding patterns of nine-month-old infants
Hyun Jin Yun, Eun Jeong Choi, Eun Jin Choi, Su Young Hong
Department of Pediatrics, Il Sin Christian Hospital, Busan, Korea
9개월 영아의 수유방법에 따른 철결핍빈혈에 대한 연구
윤현진, 최은정, 최은진, 홍수영
일신기독병원 소아청소년과
Su Young Hong, Email: prifen@hanmail.net
: This study was conducted to evaluate the red cell indices and frequency of iron deficiency anemia based on the feeding patterns of nine-month-old infants.
: Blood tests were performed on 253 nine-month-old infants, who visited Il Sin Christian Hospital for health check- ups from January to December 2007. Their parents answered telephonic questions regarding their feeding patterns and weaning foods.
: Three infants groups were created according to feeding patterns before they started weaning foods. One group was exclusively breast-fed (48.6%), another had mixed feeding (27.3%), and the third had artificial milk feeding (24.1%). Red cell indices (hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH) of the breast-fed group were comparatively lower than those of the other two groups (P<0.05). Twenty-five infants (9.9%) were diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia. According to feeding patterns, the frequency of anemia was highest in the breast-fed group. Six infants who started weaning foods before six months of age (113 infants) were diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia (5.3%), and nineteen who started after six months of age (140 infants) were diagnosed with iron-deficiency anemia (13.6%).
: When nine-month old infants visit hospitals for health check-ups, pediatricians must consider their feeding pattern and weaning foods histories, and then recommend screening blood tests for iron-deficiency anemia.
Key Words: Iron deficiency, Anemia, Infants, Feeding pattern

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