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A case of holoprosencephaly.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(12):1712-1716.
Published online December 31, 1991.
A case of holoprosencephaly.
Jin Eun Hyun1, Eun Hee Park1, Hee Young Jeon1, Whwa Jin Byeun1, Young Mok Hwang1, Yeon Jin Kim2, Cheol Soo Kim2
1Department of Pediatrics, Daerim St. Mary's Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Daerim St. Mary's Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Holoprosencephaly 1례
현진은1, 박은희1, 전희영1, 변화진1, 황영목1, 김연진2, 김철수2
1대림성모병원 소아과
2대림성모병원 산부인과
Received: 17 May 1991   • Accepted: 12 August 1991
Holoprosencephaly is a congenital malformation complex involving developmental failure in normal cleavage of the forebrain into hemispheres and varying degrees of median facial deformities. We experienced a case of lobar holoprosencephaly in a one day old girl who showed median facial deformities and reviewed the references concerning holoprosencephaly briefly.
Key Words: Holoprosencephaly

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