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Epidemics of aseptic meningitis in Seoul area during 1989-90.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(11):1565-1572.
Published online November 30, 1991.
Epidemics of aseptic meningitis in Seoul area during 1989-90.
Eun young Cho, Mi Koo Kang, Soo Jong Hong, Ki Soo Kim, Young Seo Park, In Sook Park, Hyung Nam Moon, Chang Yee Hong
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ulsan University, Seoul, Korea
1989-90년 서울지역에 유행한 무균성 뇌막염에 대한 고찰
조은영, 강미구, 홍수종, 김기수, 박영서, 박인숙, 문형남, 홍창의
울산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 25 June 1991   • Accepted: 4 July 1991
We performed clinical and virological studies on 200 children with aseptic meningitis who had been admitted to the department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center from June, 1989 to August, 1990. The results were as follows; 1) There were total of 236 meningitis cases during this period, 13(5.5%) with bacterial meningitis, 3(1%) with tuberculous meningitis, 220(93.2%) with aseptic meningitis. Am이lg aseptic meningitis, 20(8.5%) were mumps meningitis. 2) Aseptic meningitis occurred mostly in June, July, and August. It affected patients without respect to their ages, but the male-to-female ratio was 3.2 to 1. 3) Most patients suffered from fever, vomiting, and headache. Facial palsy, paralysis, neurogenic bladder, transverse myelitis, and SIADH were observed in a few cases. Most recovered without neurological sequelae except 3 patients (1.4%). 4) The causative agent seemed to be Enterovirus 71 during the period from April, 1990 to June, 1990 when Hand-Foot-Mouth disease was prevalent, and thereafter Echovirus 30 was thought to be main causative agent according to the serologic study, spinal fluid culture of enterovirus and clinical features.
Key Words: Aseptic Meningitis, Enterovirus

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