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Effect of dietary fats on immune response in rats.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(10):1334-1345.
Published online October 31, 1991.
Effect of dietary fats on immune response in rats.
Soon Hwan Oh1, Dong Soo Kim1, Hae Won Nam2
1Department of Pediatrics, Yonse University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Food and Nutrition The Graduate School Yonse University, Seoul, Korea
식이지질이 백서의 면역능력에 미치는 영향
오순환1, 김동수1, 남혜원2
1연세대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
2연세대학교 가정대학 식품영양학교실
Received: 22 March 1991   • Accepted: 7 June 1991
To investigate the effect of dietary fats on the humoral and cellular immune response, different compositions in the quality and quantity of dietary fats were fed to male rats. The results are as follows; 1) The mean body weights of the rats which were fed the various dietary fats were not significant during the experimental period. The weights of the organs measured were the spleen, thymus, liver, and kidney. Differences in organ weight were not observed by dietary fats. However in comparison with the % body weight, the rats during weaning rats were heavier than at 7 and 10 weeks of age. 2) The triglyceride content in serum of the fat free diet group was significantly lower than that of the beef tallow group. The cholesterol level in serum fed perilla oil group, the triglyceride content increased especially in the beef tallow groups. 3) The Number of antibody forming cells to SRBC and hemagglutination titer showed no differ- ence in any of dietary groups. 4) The proliferative response of the spleen cell by PHA did not seem to be influenced by the different dietary fat sources. However, Con A mitogen response was significantly lower in the com oil group. 5) NK cell activity was higher at the weaning age than at 7 weeks and 10 weeks At the age of 7 and 10 weeks, NK cell activity in the perilla oil group increased.
Key Words: Dietary fat, Immunity

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