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The Effects of the Thymus, Spleen and Liver Extracts on the Saline-induced Hypertension in Rats

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1971;14(6):349-371.
Published online June 30, 1971.
The Effects of the Thymus, Spleen and Liver Extracts on the Saline-induced Hypertension in Rats
Yong Kyu Lee
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
食鹽投與 白風의 高血壓에 對한 胸腺, 牌臟 및 肝臟 抽液의 歎果
李 廣 圭
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
Several authors has reported that the adrenal cortex shows atrophy in accordance with low blood pressure when there is thymic hypertrophy while the adrenal cortex shows hypertrophy in accordance with high blood pressure when there is thymic atrophy. Considering these results, author attempted to observe the changes in the blood pressure in the albino rats after the saline ingestion or thymectomy. The effects on the blood pressure of the extracts from the thymus, liver, spleen, heart, kidney and muscle were also studied. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The blood pressure was significantly elevated in the rats after the administration of 3% as: well as 5% saline solution. 2)Thymectomy has also induced hypertension in rats. 3)The hypertensive effect was more pronounced when saline solution was administratered after the thymectomy. 4)Administration of the thymus extract to the normal rats did not produce a significant change in the blood pressure, although there was a slight tendency of hypotension. 5)The administration of the thymus or liver extract to the thymectomy-induced hypertensive rats produced a significant decrease in blood pressure. 6)The administratin of the thymus or liver extract into the salt-induced hypertensive rats also produced a significant decrease in blood pressure. However, the spleen extract produced only a doubtful reduction in blood pressure, whereas the extracts from the heart, kidney or muscle were not effective. 7)The hypertension produced by both thymectomy and saline ingestion was also relieved by the administration of the thymus, liver, or spleen extracts. However, The extracts from the heart, kidney, or muscle showed no effect on the hypertension.

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