A study on current immunization status attending an above-middle from class primary school in Seoul. |
Jae Won Oh, Sung Lae Park, Sung Hee Oh, Hahng Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea |
서울시내 중산층 이상의 1개 국민학교에서의
예방접종실태조사 |
오재원, 박성래, 오성희, 이항 |
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Received: 20 April 1991 • Accepted: 26 May 1991 |
Abstract |
1. Purpose and Methodology
The purpose of this survey was to estimate the current immunization status of Korean children by
the information gathered by questionnaire distibuted to the parents of all children attending an
above-middle class private primary school in Seoul and thereby analizing various factors closely
related to the vaccination program as currently administered in Korea. The survey has been
conducted by obtaining written answers to the questionnaire distributed to the parent of a total 1046
children from the first to the sixth grades, bom during period beteen 1978 and 1984. Out of a total 1046
children in the target population the parents of 841 (80.4%) responded to the questionnaires in regard
to their understanding and experience on each past vaccination of the routine recommanded immuni-
zation of the childhood.
2. Results
1) General characteristics of the parents of 841 children (427 boys and 414 girls) revealed the level
of their education to be relatively high (University or College graduates in fathers 76.3%, in mothers
55.4%) and their socio-economic level to be at the above-middle class in 90%. Out of 841 children,
those keeping up with the vaccination records were 360 (42.8%).
2) Understanding on the necessity of the vaccinations was high (>95%).
3) Sources of knowledge on the vaccinations were as follows:
from the pediatricians 44.1%; from the health lituratures 28.3%:
from available reference vaccination schedule 8.0%.
4) Health facilities where vaccinations were provided were as follows:
pediatician’s offices 54.5%; well baby clinics in general hospital 16.3%, general clinics 8.5%; local
district public health centers or maternal child health center 3.3%.
5) Reasons for not receiving vaccinations excluding ‘unanswered’ cases were as follows:
Considered unnecessary by the parents 30.3%; adviced unnecessary by the doctors 22.2%; adviced
against by the doctors 1.4%.
6) Vaccination rate
Vaccination rate were based on the standard immunization schedule published by KPA (Korean
Pediatric Association), 1984. The results were as follows:
a. B.C.G.: standard: 86.3%, revaccination: 16.6%
b. Hepatitis B
1st: 79.1%, 2nd: 65.4%, 3rd: 56.0%, booster or revaccination: 15.5%
c. D.T.P.
1st: 96.6%, 2nd: 83.5%, 3rd: 79.9%, 1st booster: 56.7%, 2nd booster: 38.3%
d. T.O.P.V.
1st: 96.2%, 2nd: 84.1%, 3rd: 81.5%, 1st booster: 57.8%, 2nd booster: 38.6%
e. MMR
standard: 91.7%, booster or revaccination: 43.9%
f. Typhoid fever: 38.4%
g. J.B.E.: 90.6%
7) Side effect after vaccination
Percent distribution of the side effects after vaccination were summarized as follows:
a. B.C.G.
standard: 16.7%, revaccination: 15.7%
b. Hepatitis B
1st: 5.0%, 2nd: 3.1%, 3rd: 3.2%, booster: 2.3%
c. D.T.P.
1st: 11.7%, 2nd: 8.3%, 3rd: 7.6%, 1st booster: 5.5%, 2nd bosster: 4.3%
1st: 2.3%, 2nd: 1.3%, 3rd: 0.8%, 1st booster: 0.4%; 2nd booster: 0.3%
e. MMR
1st: 7.6%, 2nd: 6.5%
f. Typhoid fever: 14.9%
g. J.B.E: 20.7%
3. Conclusion
Expecting a higher compliance rate of active immunization in early and school age children, and
in order to estimate the vaccination status of Korean children, a questionnaire survey was performed
with the parents of the target children attending on an above-middle class private primary school in
Seoul. This survey revealed that while understanding on the necessity of keeping immunizations up
-to-date according to the recommanded schedule was very high, actual vaccination rate was relative-
ly low and the standard vaccinations were not performed on a proper time schedule. The authors
believe, therefore, that more effective public education on keeping up with up-to-date vaccination
records is imperative in order to raise the currently disappointingly low vaccination coverage rates
and more strict govermental regulations requiring the up-to-date vaccination records in all children,
not only at their entrance into the primary school, but at all grade levels at least throughout the
primary school years. |
Key Words:
Vaccination, Compliance, Side effects |