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A clinical study of Graves' disease in children.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(6):812-819.
Published online June 30, 1991.
A clinical study of Graves' disease in children.
Kee Young Park, Ho Kyung Choi, Jong Jin Seo, Young Hun Chung
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea
소아 Graves 병의 임상적 고찰
박기용, 최호경, 서종진, 정용헌
충남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실
Received: 15 January 1991   • Accepted: 17 March 1991
The authors analyzed the clinical manifestations, laboratory results, and relationship between the presence of antithyroid autoantibodies and response of short-term antithyroid medication in 20 children with Graves* disease who were diagosed at the Department of Pediatarics, Chungnam National Universtiy Hospital from March 1985 to February 1990. The results were as follows; 1) The ratio of male to female was 1:9. 2) The age distribution of patients ranged from 9.7 year to 14.6 year (mean: 12.4±1.4yr) and 95% of patients were more than 10 years of age. 3) The most common clinical manifestation was goiter followed by exophthalmos, tremor, nervous- ness, excessive sweating, excessive activity, palpitation, and cardiac murmur in the descending order. 4) The mean serum Ts level (6.32±2.48ng/ml), T< (21.66±7.03 /zIU/ml) and Free T4 (7.36±2.63 ng/dl) were above normal range and TSH (0.31 ± 0.33 /zIU/ml) was below normal range before treatment. 5) 16 out of 20 patients (80%) were antimicrosomal antibody positive and 9 out of 20 patients (45%) were antithyroglobulin positive. 9 out of 10 patients (90%) were TSH receptor antibody positive. 6) The results of thyroid function test were normalized in 11 of 18 patients (61.1%) after 3 months’ antithyroid medication and in 13 of 16 patients (81.3%) after 6 months, antithyroid medication. 7) The clinical manifestations were more severe and the mean serum level of TSH after 6 months* antithyroid medication was significantly depressed in the patient group with AMA and ATA than the grouo without AMA or ATA. The prevalence of AMA and ATA was higher in patients with large goiter.
Key Words: Graves disease in Children, Antimicrosomal antibody Antithyroglobulin antibody, TSH receptor antibody

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