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Two cases of Goldenhar syndrome.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(5):730-735.
Published online May 31, 1991.
Two cases of Goldenhar syndrome.
Moo Young Song, Min Sik Kim, Nam Soo Park, Un Jun Hyoung, Jin Oh Lee, Eun Ryoung Kim
Department of Pediatrics, Sung-Ae General Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Goldenhar 증후군 2례
송무영, 김민식, 박남수, 형운준, 이진오, 김은령
성애병원 소아과
Received: 25 September 1990   • Accepted: 9 November 1990
Goldenhar syndrome is a pattern of malformation with wide variability of expression characterized by epibulbar dermoids, preauricular appendages and pretragal blind-ended fistulas, and vertebral anomalies. We have experienced two cases of Goldenhar syndrome. In one case multiple hemivertebrae, anomalous ribs, hydrocephalus with abscence of the septum pellucidum and mild widening of the subarachnoid space were noted. Diagnosis was made by physical examination and radiological findings. A brief review of related literature is also presented.
Key Words: Goldenhar syndrome

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