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A clinical study of congenital hypertropic pyloric stenosis.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(5):637-644.
Published online May 31, 1991.
A clinical study of congenital hypertropic pyloric stenosis.
Eun Chin Mun1, Hae Jin Lee1, Son Sang Seo1, Jung Woo Yang2
1Department of Pediatrics, Il Sin Christian Hospital, Pusan, Korea
2Department of Surgery, Il Sin Christian Hospital, Pusan, Korea
선천성 비후성 유문 협착증의 임상적 고찰
문은진1, 이혜진1, 서손상1, 양정우2
1일신기독병원 소아과
2일신기독병원 소아외과
Received: 13 March 1990   • Accepted: 18 December 1990
This study was a review and clinical analysis of 77 cases of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis at II Sin Christian Hospital from Jan. 1980. to Mar. 1990. The result was as follows. 1) At age distribution, the most prevalent age group was between 4 weeks and 6 weeks, and ratio of male to female was about 3.8:1. 2) Among 77 cases, the first bom was most affected (64.9%). 3) The age at onset was within 3 weeks of age in majority cases(67.6%). 4) The clinical symptoms were no bile stained projectile vomiting, dehydration, weight loss and constipation; vomiting was observed in all cases. 5) On physical examination, gastric peristaltic wave was observed in 67 cases (87%) and pyloric tumor was palpated in 66 cases (85.7%). 6) There were 4 cases of anemia (5.2%), 10 cases of hyperbilirubinemia (12.9%), 26 cases of hypoch- loremia (33.8%) and 13 cases of hypokalemia (16.9%) on laboratory test. 7) The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical symptoms, physical examination, UGI and sonography. 8) Sixty-eight cases (88.3%) were surgically treated with Fredet-Ramstedt pyloromyotomy without any complication and average duration of admission was 6.2days.
Key Words: Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis

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