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Transient symptomatic zinc deficiency in a breast-fed, post term infant.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(1):101-106.
Published online January 31, 1991.
Transient symptomatic zinc deficiency in a breast-fed, post term infant.
Jin Bok Hwang, Soon Young Song, Woo Hyun Kwon, Chang Ho Han, Hye Li Chung, Young Dae Kwon
Department of Pediatics, Catholic Hospital, Taegu, Korea
일과성 증상성 아연 결핍증 1례 -모유식을 한 과숙아, 저체중아에서-
황진복, 송순영, 권우현, 한창호, 정혜리, 권영대
대구가톨릭병원 소아과
Received: 18 July 1990   • Accepted: 5 October 1990
Acrdermititis enteropathica is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of zinc absorption and its cardinal symptoms appear at the time of weaning from breast milk which has been referred to as most appropriate formula to prevent and treat this disease. However, recent reports presented Transient Symptomatic Zinc deficiency (TSZD) in infants fed breast milk whom they treated with transitory zinc supplement with no recurrence. We experienced a TSZD case in a exclusively breast-fed, post term infant and report it with a brief review of literature.
Key Words: Acrodermatitis enteropathica Transient Symptomatic Zinc Deficiency (TSZD)

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