Clinical observation of small for gestational age. |
Young Zong Oh1, Cheol Hee Hwang1, Young Youn Choi2, Young Joung Woo2, Tai Ju Hwang2 |
1Department of Pediatrics, St. Columban fs Hospital, Mokpo, Korea 2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Chonnam University, Kwanju, Korea |
부당 경량아의 임상적 고찰 |
오영종1, 황철희1, 최영륜2, 우영종2, 황태주2 |
1성골롬반병원 소아과 2전남대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Received: 26 June 1990 • Accepted: 19 September 1990 |
Abstract |
Small for gestaional age (SGA) is an entity which we have been slow to recognize in both pediatrics
and obstetrics, despite its common occurrence and rather dramatic clinical manifestations. The goal
of this study is to be enable all physicians involved in perinatal medical care focus their attention on
the fact that infants of the same size but very different gestational ages are quite variable in their
immediate prognosis, in the management of the problems which occur during the neonaral period as
well as the obstetric complications with they are associated.
This study was based on 67 cases of SGA-infants admitted in NICU of the Chonnam university
hospital from January 1988 to June 1989.
The results were as follows:
1) The incidence rate of IUGR was 17.1%. It was more higher in primigravida above 35 years of
age and multigravida below 24 years of ages and between 38 week to 39 week gestational age.
2) Incidence rate by sex was similar in both sex and that by modes of delivery was most highest
in induction delivery.
3) The risk factors associated with SGA were multiple pregnancy (17.9%), placental insufficiency
syndrome (17.9%), prolonged rupture of membeane (17.9%) and toxemia (17.9%), As the neonatal
problems, there were meconium stain (23.9%), infection (23.9%), jaundice (22.4%), asphyxia (20.9%),
meconium aspiration syndrome (11.9%) and so on.
4) There was no significant difference at 1-min Apgar scores in both group. The htpoglycemia and
polycycemia were more higher in SGA but, polycythemia only had significance.
5) In comparing admission duration of survived infant of SGA and non SGA, it was slightly shorter
in SGA but there was no significance.
6) There was no significant differencce of mortality rate in SGA and non SGA infants. |
Key Words:
Small for gestational age, Mortality rate |