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Statistical studies on pediatric emergency room patients.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1991;34(1):7-15.
Published online January 31, 1991.
Statistical studies on pediatric emergency room patients.
Won Seop Kim, Young Jin Hong, Don Hee Ahn, Keun Chan Sohn
Department of Pediatries, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
응급실 환아에 대한 임상적 관찰
김원섭, 홍영진, 안돈희, 손근찬
국립의료원 소아과
Received: 24 July 1990   • Accepted: 28 September 1990
The studies were carried out to analyze the emergency patient visited to the emergency room of the National Medical Center under the 15 years old during the three-year period from Jan., 1985. to Dec., 1987 The results were obtained as below. 1) During the 3-year periods, the total number of emergency patients under the 15 years of age was 4,394. 2) Forty one percents of the total patient were admitted. 3) Deaths before arrival to emergency room were 8 cases and deaths during managments at emergency room were 4 cases. 4) The totoal number of the male patients were 2,781 and that of the female, 1,613. 5) The most popular time of visiting to emergency room was between 4 : 00 PM and 8 : 00 PM. 6) Monthly distribution of visits revealed higher incidence in June, Sep., Oct. and lower incidence in Jan. and Feb. 7) Weekly distribution of visit revealed higher incidence on Sat. and Sunday relatively. 8) Distribution of age showed peak incidence was between 2 and 6 years of age (29.0%). 9) The number of patients received urgent management was 2,126 and the content was as below: initial hydration (42.0%), dressing (22.8%), O2 inhalation (13.8%), primary suture (9.2%), splint and cast (9.0%). 10) Distribution of diseases and injury in according to the Korean standard disease classification was as below in order: injury and accident (35.7%), respitatory disease (19.6%), digestive disease (6. 3%), infectious disease (5.6%), mental and nervous system disorder (3.8%), perinatal problems (1. 6%). 11) Distribution of patients address was as below: Seoul (81.0%), rural (16.0%). 12) Most frequent primary diagnosis of emergency cases were as below: Injury and accidents, pharyngotonsillitis, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, URI.
Key Words: Pediatrio emergency patients

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