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Pulmonary Air Leaks in the Newborn.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(7):907-914.
Published online July 31, 1990.
Pulmonary Air Leaks in the Newborn.
Soon Wha Kim, Kyung Hee Kim, Young Jin Hong, Don Hee Ahn
Department of Pediatrics, National Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
신생아의 폐외 공기 누출에 대한 임상적 관찰
김순화, 김경희, 홍영진, 안돈희
국립의료원 소아과
Received: 29 January 1990   • Accepted: 29 March 1990
A clinical study was performed on 26 cases of pulmonary air leaks in the newborn who were admitted to the NICU of National Medical Center from Jan. 1984 to Aug. 1988 The results were as follows: 1) Spontaneous air leaks were 2 cases (7.7%)and secondary air leaks were 24 cases (92.3%). 2) Of the 26 cases of pulmonary air leaks, 13 cases (50.0%) had meconium aspiration syndrome, and 8 cases (30.8%) had hyaline membrane disease. 3) The clinical manifestations were tachypnea (84.6%), cyanosis (46.2%), bradycardia (42.3%), and chest retraction (38.5%) in order of frequency, and of mean age of onset, meconium a spiration syndromes were 29hours and hyaline membrane diseases were 47hours. 4) The sites of pulmonary air leaks were pneumothorax in 26 cases (100%), pneumomediastinum in 5 cases (19.2%), pulmonary interstitial emphysema in 4 cases (15.4%) and subcutaneous em- physema in 4 cases (15.4%). Of the 26 cases of pneumotorax, right pneumothorax were 19 cases (17.1%), left were 2 cases (7.7%) and both pneumothorax were 5 cases (19.2%). 5) The severity of pneumothorax were mild in 5 cases (19.2%), moderate in 7 cases (26.9%) and tension pneumothorax in 14 cases (53.9%). 6) Two cases of spontaneous air leaks and 1 case of mild pneumothorax were improved with oxygen therapy only, 1 case was improved with needle asiration with under water seal drainage and 22 cases were treated with chest tube insertion with under water seal drainage, but 11 cases (50.0%) were died among them.
Key Words: Pulmonary air leaks

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