Capillary Hematocrit and Leucocyte Values in Newborn |
J.S. Kim1, S.H. Koh1, K.H. Lee1, S.Y. Paik2 |
1Dept, of Pediatrics, Seoul Red Cross Hospital 2Dept, of Pathology, Seoul Red Cross Hospital |
韓國 正常 新生兒의 末稍 赤血球 容積 및 白血球値의 變動에 關하여
金仲植1, 高舞姬1, 李慶孝1, 白承龍2 |
1서울赤十字病院 小兒科 2서울赤十字病院 病理科 |
Abstract |
Hematocrit levels of the capillary blood were measured on 322 Korean newborn infants. The mean hematocrit level was 63.1 percent (S.D.=3.4) on the 1st day of life and was 49. 8 percent(S.D.=2.2) on the 10th day of life. The mean hematocrit levels were lower in cesarean section group than normally born infants. Total leucocyte levels were measured on 336 Korean newborn infants. The mean leucocyte level was 21900 (S.D.=6300) and decreased to 13800 (S.D.=2900) by the tenth day of life. The mean leucocyte levels were lower in ceserean section group than normally born infant. The mean leucocyte levels were higher in newborns over 3000 grams than those below that level.