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A Case of Retroperitoneal Lymphangioma.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1990;33(3):422-428.
Published online March 31, 1990.
A Case of Retroperitoneal Lymphangioma.
Gyu Jin Oh1, Jin Hyeon Park1, Hee Jung Kwon1, In Sil Lee1, Kui Won Park2, Je Geun Chi3
1Department of Pediatrics, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2Department of Pediatnc Surgery, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea
3Department of Pathology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Seoul Korea
후복막 낭성 임파관종 1례
오규진1, 박진현1, 권희정1, 이인실1, 박귀원2, 지제근3
1국립경찰병원 소아과
2서울대학교 의과대학 소아외과학교실
3서울대학교 의과대학 병리학교실
Received: 14 August 1989   • Accepted: 23 October 1989
Cystic lymphangioma, or cystic hygroma, is a true, benign, congenital multic-ystic tumor arising from sequestration of embryonic lymphatic tissue. Most often it occurs at birth or early in life, and it was found most commonly in the neck, but rarely in the retroperitoneum and its distribution coincides with that of the primitive lymph sac. We have experienced a case of retroperitoneal cystic lymphangioma in a 1 year and 11 month old boy who had revealed left flank mass since birth and developed rapid abdominal distension since 3 months prior to admission. The surgical resection showed a huge multiloculated cystic lymphan- gioma. A brief review of literature was made.
Key Words: Retroperitoneal lymphangioma, Cystic lymphangioma, Cystic hygroma

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