Clinical Strudy of chlamydial Pneumonia in Early Infants. |
Mi Kyung Kim, Young Mi Hong, Seung Joo Lee, Keun Lee |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea |
영아초기의 Chlamydia 폐렴에 관한 연구 |
김미경, 홍영미, 이승주, 이근 |
이화대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Received: 16 August 1989 • Accepted: 23 October 1989 |
Abstract |
We studied Chlamydiazyme test in 55 infants below 6 months of age with lower respiratory tract
infection, admitted to the Pediatric ward of Ewha Womans University Hospital, between October 1,
1987 and February 28, 1989. The results were as follows.
1. The overall incidence of Chlamydial pneumonia was 14,5% (8/55). All of them were below 2
months of age, so the incidence in infants below 2 months of age was 22,5% (8/36).
2. Clinical characteristics of Chlamydial pneumonia.
1) Among the 8 infants with Chlamydial pneumonia, seven were delivered vaginally and one was
by Cesarean section after spontaneous rupture of membrane 72 hours prior to delivery, so all
Chlamydial pneumonia were considered to be infected from birth canal. Prematurity was 25%, which
was not significant.
2) Staccato cough was the only significant symptom in Chlamydial pneumonia (p<0.05). History
of conjunctivitis was significantly high (75%) in Chlamydial pneumonia (p<0.05).
3) Eosinophilia was noted in 62.5% of Chlamydial neumonia, which is significant (p<0.05).
4) Serum immunoglobulin M was increased to 198.6 ± 77.2 mg/dl, and the incidence above 110
mg/dl was significantly high in 87.5% (p<0.05). Serum immunoglobulin G was not significant.
5) Diffuse interstitial infiltration with hyperaeration was the significant characteristic chest X
-ray findings (62.5%) in Chlamydial pneumonia (p<0.05).
6) The onset of clinical improvement of Chlamydial pneumonia after oral erythromycin was not
different from that of non-Chlamydial pneumonia group with supportive therapy, which suggested the
effect on erythromycin in Chlamydial pneumonia. |
Key Words:
Chlamydial pneumonia |