Statistical observation for Congenital Malformation. |
Sung Oh Kim, Soon Sup Jang, Jeh Hoon Shin, Soo Jee Moon, Chong Moo Park |
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Hanyang University Seoul, Korea |
선천성 기형에 대한 통계적 관찰 |
김성오, 장순섭, 신재훈, 문수지, 박종무 |
한양대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실 |
Received: 16 January 1988 |
Abstract |
Although perinatal diagnosis and management has been developed rapidly in recent years, congeni-
tal malformations are known to have remained largely unchanged in incidence of infants being
In spite of its clinical significance and physician’s every effort to exclude the possible factors of
congenital malformations by perinatal care, there is still no enough statistical data of congenital
malformtions in Korea. So, we surveyed to know the incidence of congenital malformations at
Hanyang University by utilizing hospital records of birth.
During the period of 12 7/12 years, from May 1 1972 untl Dec. 31,1984 21,526 deliveries at Hanyang
University Hospital were statistically observed on the basis of neonatal records and delivery notes.
The results were as follows:
1) The incidence of congenital malformations among 21,526 deliveries was 0.76% (0.76% among live
birth and 3.27% among still births).
2) Sex distribution (male to female) among malformed babies was 53:43 and sex undetermined case
was about 4%.
3) Among 177 malformed babies, 30 (16.9%) babies had more than one malformations. Haring two
congenital malformations was more frequent (57%).
4) Among 20 malformations, 63 malformations (28.6%) were in the central nervous system, 49 (22.
3%) in the gastrointestinal tract, 43 (19.6%) in the musculoskeletal system, 26 (11.8%) in the skin.
5) The congenital malformations observed in the neonatal death and stillbirths were anencephaly
(66.1%), hydrocephaly (13.5%), meningomyelocele (8.5%), polydactyly, cleft palate, omphalocele, in
order of frequency.
6) Among 220 malformed babies, 129 babies (58.6%) had major malformations and 105 babies (45.
3%) had minor malformaitons. |
Key Words:
Congenital Malformations |