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Statistical Observation for Prematurity and Low Birth Weight Infant

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1970;13(12):683-690.
Published online December 31, 1970.
Statistical Observation for Prematurity and Low Birth Weight Infant
R.T. Han, S.Y. Pi, K.W. Ko
Department of Pediatrics. College of Medicine, Seoul National University
未熟兒 및 低體重新生兒에 關한 統計的 考察
韓禮澤, 皮守英, 高光昱
서울大學校 醫科大學 小兒科學敎室
According to new definition of prematurity and low birth weight infant on gestational age and birth weight, various statictical assessments are made for 5,168 newborns who had been delivered at Seoul National University Hospital during the last 5 years from Jan., 1, 1956 to Dec., 31,1969. The results obtained are as follows; 1.Incidence of prematurity on gestational age less than 37 weeks is 9. 9% while 11. 9% is noted in incidence of low birth weight infant weighing 2500gm or less at birth. 2.Over-all Still-birth rate is 4. 5%, whereas neonatal mortality rate is found to be 2. 3%. Stillbirth rate in prematurity and low birth weight infant is 26.1% and 23.1% respectively, however, neonatal mortality rate in both group is found to be equal and 15. 8%. 3.Incidence of prematurity and low birth weight and perinatal mortality rate are higher in primipara, especially in older mother. 4. Among factors related to premature birth and low birth weight, toxemia of pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, premature rupture of membrane, malposition, placenta previa and veneral diseases could be enlisted in order of frequency. However, cause of unknown origin occupies top on the list.

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