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A Case of Medistinal Lipoma.

Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society 1988;31(1):141-146.
Published online January 31, 1988.
A Case of Medistinal Lipoma.
Hung Sub Choi1, Myung Ho Oh1, Chang Hwi Kim1, Sang Jhoo Lee1, Yong Sik Lee2
1Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Soon Shun Hyang University, Seoul, Korea
2Lee Yong Sik Pediatric Clinic, Seoul, Korea
종격동 지방종 1례
최흥섭1, 오명호1, 김창휘1, 이상주1, 이용식2
1순천향의대 의학부 소아과학교실
2이용식 소아과
Received: 23 July 1987
The mediastinal lipoma is a rare benign tumor. Since the original description by Fothergill in 1781, about 120 cases have been reported in literature. Of these, less than ten have been reported in children below the age of twelve. We experienced a case of mediastinal lipoma, in a 5 year old girl with mild dry cough. Chest X-ray showed a large, homogeneous soft tissue density with well defined upper margin in the left thorax. Chest CT showed a large, well demarcated, round, low density mass in left thorax suggesting mediastinal lipoma. The operation was performed and an oval, round, yellowish colored intrathoracic mass measuring 15 x 8 x 6 cm was removed. It weighed 750 gm. Confirmatory diagnosis was made by histopathological findings of the mass postoperatively. A brief review of the literature on mediastinal lipoma was made.
Key Words: Mediastinal Lipoma

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